Dreaming: a free, accessible portal to wisdom

What if I told you that you can access altered states of consciousness, a deep well of wisdom, and insight into your own psyche for free - all from the comfort of your own home? 

No psychics, mediums, or shamans required. You won’t be needing any magic fungi, toad juice, or tea from an Amazonian vine. Not even Tarot cards, runes or pendulums. To be clear, I find all of the above to be delicious transformative portals. But they are not relevant to what I am here to proselytize today.

I am on your virtual doorstep, wearing a crisp white shirt and modest footwear, clutching to my chest the book of DREAMS.

Yes, dreams. Those elusive wisps of imagery that visit us in our sleep. The Netflix with spotty WiFi of our collective unconscious. 

I am here to tell you that you can invite your dreams to show up in their fullest, most vibrant iterations. You can convince them to linger and go beyond small talk. If you court them with gentle curiosity, your dreams can be (at the very least) a consistent, lifelong source of self-knowledge. 

Personally, I also believe that our beloved dead and ancestors can connect with us during dreamtime. And that dreams can act as portents, or show us what will be. The rules of time don’t seem to apply in the same way that they do in our waking lives. 

You may be thinking, “I want to go to there!” Or “I’ll have what she’s having!” BUT….

  • I don’t dream regularly OR

  • I can’t seem to remember my dreams OR

  • I already have vivid dreams but I never know what they mean

Ok, I hear you! After taking a yearlong course on Dreams in divinity school and deepening my own dream life for the last 5 years, this is my humble but firm! advice:

Improving Dream Frequency and Recall

  • Record ‘em - The number one, most important tip that will guarantee improved dream recall and frequency is to RECORD YOUR DREAMS! I know it’s boring, but it is extremely effective. When you take the time to record any parts of your dreams that you remember upon waking, you are signalling your interest and attention to your dreams. They will perk up and purr with delight. They will want to spend more time in bed with you. Even if you can’t remember a damn thing, make a record that you cannot remember a damn thing! If you persist, you will see a marked improvement. I promise. You don’t even have to write them down, you can grab your phone and press record on your Voice Memo app and groggily recount what you remember. Whatever is easiest for you.

  • Share ‘em - Once you get a groove with your dream recall, you can level up your relationship to your dreams by sharing them aloud with someone. A friend, a partner, a family member, a therapist, a circle of dream explorers. Anyone who is willing to listen, and ideally, reciprocate. Bringing your dreams out into the open, sharing them with another person - that will deepen your connection to your own subconscious. I’m not even asking you to decode the dreams yet, simply share! Try it and see.

  • Set the scene - If you want to get fancy, I have a few optional tips for you to consider adding to your pre-sleep routine. Make it cozy for your dream visitors! Consider adding a few minutes of meditation or quiet winding down before you go to bed. Dim the lights, light a candle, play some calm instrumental music. And for goodness sake, don’t forget to issue the invitation - set the intention for dreaming. You can do this internally, just THINK about the fact that you WANT to dream. If you have a prayer practice, connection to any ancestors, or if you want to invite a visitation from someone who has passed, include that in your intention.

  • Woo factor - I’m about to give you some witchy tips if you’re willing to go there with me. Spend time in the moonlight regularly. Place a glass of water on your bedside table, or near your bed before sleep. Freshen it up every night. You can drink it or use it to water your plants in the morning. Next, if you are able - crack open a window while you sleep. Even a smidge will do. Lastly, if you have access to mugwort in any form - dried or fresh herb, tincture, oil - use it. Take it internally, apply it externally, stick a bundle under your pillow, burn it. Mugwort is a common weed so you shouldn’t have difficulty finding it.

Decoding and Interpretation of Dreams

What do your dreams mean? This is what people really want to know. They buy countless books on the subject to use as a reference for dream symbols. They ask Google and other people. Culturally, we tend to outsource the interpretation of our own dreams. 

But guess from whose subconscious the dream sprouts? YOURS, BABE! The symbols that show up in your dream don’t come from a book. They come from the meaning that you have attached to those symbols in your own lived experience and subconscious mind. I know it’s a burden to realize that you are actually the expert on you, because that means you have to introspect and engage in self-inquiry, which can be supes uncomfy. If you’re not ready to tango with your subconscious, that’s ok. Keep Googling and referencing books, and see if any meanings resonate for you.

If you are ready to go long, hard, and deep, then I recommend you explore the following questions to begin decoding your dreams:

  • What were the prevalent emotions in your dream? How did you feel during the dream and upon waking?

  • Where were you in the dream? Were you a spectator? Were you multiple people at once? Did you morph from one identity to another? Situate yourself.

  • Are any parts of your dreams symbols? Remember that even people can be symbolic. For example, your middle school principal can point to the concept of authority. 

  • Interpret the symbols that you discern based on their relationship to you. For some people, a snake may be an auspicious blessing! But you might have a deathly fear of snakes or equate them with transgression and shame. 

  • Based on your personal symbolic interpretations, put the dream narrative together. Remember to incorporate your emotional reactions. Here is a very simplistic example: “the coffee cup, which stands for routine and productivity, spilled all over my new linen dress, which I think means leisure time and luxury. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get the stain out. I felt massively frustrated, and guilty that I had spent so much money on the dress.”

  • Now you decode this narrative using your own inner wisdom.

  • If you are stumped, that’s ok. Keep the inquiry alive in your mind and the mystery may unfold naturally with time.


Now that you have befriended and decoded your dreams, what’s next? It’s simple. Treat the messages and self-knowledge you receive from your dreams the same way you would receive feedback from a trusted, respected friend. Take it all in - and if something really resonates, weave it into your life. Adjust accordingly. All of the self-knowledge in the world won’t help you if you’re not willing to take action.

This is practical, transformative magic. And it is accessible to all people who dream. Good luck and see you on the otherside. ~

sara vesta